Monday, February 11, 2008

Start of a new Era

Well, I've finally did it. I started a blog. Let's hope this is slightly less painful than writing grants! I've always fancied that I'd like to write but I find going to the dentist preferable!

At first, this blog will just be about by trip to Japan. I'm going to stay for a month at my mother-in-law's home. Japan is always interesting. It's like peeling an onion: just as you think you know Japan, you peel another layer off and you have to examine it again.

After the trip is over, I'll be sharing this blog with my sister (T3). By the way, this is basic nomenclature for my family since we all have the same initials. I'm T1. T3 makes the most amazing jewelry and she would like to sell it on Etsy but it seems you need a blog.

In between that, you may also have to endure some whining about my current joblessness state. I decided to make a huge change in my life and quit my job of ten years to do something different. I saved a butt-load of money to do this and now I don't want to part with the dough so, I have to find gainful employment or start a business soon.


bud said...

Good for you on leaving your job! And congratulations on starting your new blog - I look forward to reading it often. You have my sincerest wishes that your new era is exciting, rewarding, and fulfilling.

Darin said...

Great Blog cousin!

I recently returned from my second trip to Japan last month and was thrilled to see your Blog!

I will send you some pics!

Darin said...

Great Blog cousin!

I just got back from my 2nd trip to Japan last month!
I was thrilled to see some of the same sights in your photos!

I will send you some pics of my trip!

Anonymous said...

Don't touch stray cats princess

Anonymous said...
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