Friday, February 22, 2008


This trip I'm able to travel by myself and actually go places of my choosing. What made this possible? Did I study my kanji relentlessly? No way. It's because of this little wonder-

A SUICA card!

You would think that as technologically proficient as the Japanese are they would have made a smartcard that you can keep loading with yen sooner. But, Japan's train system is privatized so there are many lines owned by many different companies and you have buy the right ticket or tickets.

This is how I used to have to get around. First go to the station and get a ticket-That line of different colors near the middle is the different train companies you must choose from. I would have to have my husband buy the tickets because I can't read kanji too well and this local map of stations (below) and fares doesn't make too much sense, although I could buy and travel in an eight station range by myself.

After you figure this out and buy the right ticket, you go through the turnstyles
and battle your way through the people and get on a train that is often standing room only.

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