Friday, February 22, 2008

Garbage in Japan or Obaasan Terror

I live in fear of disposing of the garbage while in Japan. I do not want to bring shame on my family and bring down the wrath of the obaasan.

Garbage is a big deal to the Japanese. It must be done right or you will be terrorized the local obaasans. They use public garbage areas. Here is an example of one

They are all covered by that green net to keep any garbage sacks from falling into traffic. All garbage must be sorted in to combustables and put in a paper sack that you must buy, cans in a plastic sack, and plastics in a plastic sack. Plastic bottles go into a different net-

Each week, just before the garbage is picked up, the obaasans seem to meet at the garbage bin and grade the garbage. If you have not done it correctly, you will receive a nasty note on top of your garbage which will be put on your porch. Thus you will probably miss the take out date. Thus you will get another nasty note the next week about putting out too much garbage! I have heard of other gaijins who, found lacking in their packaging or sorting, had their garbage re-sorted and re-packaged by a local obaasan and then commented upon the contents ("You are eating too much fried foods, bad for your big gaijin ass")!

Note the little bottle strapped to the fence with a window cut into the side. That is for the lids. I can guaranty you that an obaasan put that there!

Suffice it to say, I am never allowed to take out the garbage and I live in fear someone will see me throw away something wrong at the local train station and report back since I'm the only gaijin in the neighborhood right now.

1 comment:

bud said...

Wow! And I thought that I had it bad taking out the garbage. Don't think I shall complain again. At least I don't have anyone (that I know of) scrutinizing my garbage. Yikes!