Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Real Power in Japan

You might think that the Prime Minister or the Japanese Royalty or even the big business leaders are the most powerful people in Japan.

You'd be wrong! It is the obaassan. Obaasan is the word for Grandmother but also stands in for all old ladies. For those of you who know me, you know that I am one tough cookie. Even the weakest obaasan is 5 times tougher than I am. Most are at least 10 times tougher!

They seem oblivious to the cold, putting out their laundry with no gloves, no coat and only plastic sandles. I tried it the other day and damn near froze.

I spent a good half hour hugging that pink heater! My mother-in-law is soo tough. She hangs out the laundry everyday in freezing high winds.

Including at least one set of futons, blankets and pillow-
Notice the gigantic clothes pins! When I say futons, I don't mean the American type futons that are about 8 inches thick. No, mon ami, I mean two, two inches thick futons that barely qualify as blankets! They are pretty hard. But, they get aired weekly and beaten to peices by my mother-in-law. They do smell wonderful and they are at least fluffier for two days. There are four of us, so my day for airing is Wednesday. I put my own out to give her a break but she still beat the tar out of them herself.

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