Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lunch with the Japanese Martha Stewart (at least in my nieghborhood)

My Mother-in-law is a social butterfly. Everyone loves her and she has many old friends. She took me to lunch at her friend's house. This lady is known as the "Martha Stewart" of the nieghborhood. Here is a picture-From the left- Mrs. and Mr. W, my lovely mother-in-law and a friend.

Mrs. W is very gracious and a relaxed hostess. She fixed okunomiyaki
Okonomiyaki Recipe

at the table in her lovely dining room and then dessert and coffee. The coffee cups were china. I just thought they were beautiful cups until I went Mitsukoshi's on the Ginza and realized she gave us coffee on real Wedgewood! And, she mixed the patterns! Take a look at the patterns she served with-

Florentine Wedgewood cups

Ulander Turquiose Wedgewood cups

Chatsworth Pattern Wedgewood cCups


bud said...

How great for you to have this visit. I've got to try the Okonomiyaki Recipe, though I think I'll skip the fish flakes. Wouldn't mind a set of the Ulander Turquoise Wedgwood either. Ultra cool. Making myself hungry and thirsty now {sigh}.

This and That said...

I always skip the fish flakes. But, it would have been impolite to scrape them off with Martha watching!