Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Aegina, Temple of Apollo

After we found our room and we ate, we thought we'd go shopping. But it wasn't to be. All the shops except for the eateries at the harbor were closed! I thought maybe we waited too long and they all closed for the season.

We decided to sight see instead. Only a few blocks away from the harbor is the remains of the Temple of Apollo and the ancient town of Kolona. The temple of Apollo was built in the 6th century BC.

Remains of Kolona

The last column left of the Temple of Apollo

The attached museum had a reconstructed Amphora jug that was over 6 feet high. Here is one that is half buried in the ancient town on Kolona. These amphora come to a point at the bottom and so they can't stand up. The do have "ears" with holes. Smaller amphora were meant to be suspended from the ceiling and then you could tip them over and pour out the wine. They are not sure what these huge amphora held but they do know that the jug was made in the room they found it in.

The museum, temple and town are right next to the see and have the prettiest palm trees.

As we made our way back to town I just had to shoot some pictures of the horse cabs and boats-

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